“I used my voice to stand up to Nike and fight for maternity protection for female athletes. My voice was definitely shaking, but I did it, and with the help of my brother, we created change.”
How do you set the tone and wind down your day?
My day starts to end during the bedtime routine. Like most toddlers, my daughter has a lot of energy, and the bedtime routine is where stillness starts to find our home. Once Cammy is down, it’s time to relax with my husband. We love to watch shows together, and I fall asleep a lot of the time. It was never really about the show. It was always about the quiet moments with him when the house is still, and we can peek over at the baby monitor and watch our daughter sleep. Those are the moments where everything feels just right
Describe an energizing route to walk, run, or explore in your city.
I’m almost embarrassed to say that I don’t run for fun, like ever. I need to do a better job of exploring my city. That’s something that I’m going to work on this fall. Hopefully, you all can help hold me to it.

What is one of your favorite local spots to ground and recharge?
I live in LA, and the water is so calming and healing to me, so the beach is one of my favorite places to recharge. Lately, I don’t get to sneak away to the beach alone too often, but I do put on headphones and listen to the sound of waves crashing sometimes… that counts, right?
Tell us about a time when you used your voice, your physical presence, or your platform in a meaningful way. What did you say and how did you say it?
I used my voice to stand up to Nike and fight for maternity protection for female athletes. My voice was definitely shaking, but I did it, and with the help of my brother, we created change! I’m going to share more of that story with you all here soon.
What does showing up for your community look like for you in 2021?
Great question. I want to show up for my community through Saysh and the collective that we are building here. Here’s my idea and commitment. I want to lead at least three in-person runs where we can explore new places. Would you all be down?