After my traumatic birth experience, I knew getting back to training would be challenging. I struggled to walk without pain and struggled to regain my strength and stamina. I knew that walking would be an essential part of my recovery process, and I prioritized taking short walks every day.
Initially, these walks were incredibly difficult. I had to start from scratch, building my endurance and strength step by step. But as I continued to walk, I found that my body began to respond. My muscles grew stronger, my pain lessened, and my mental state improved. Walking became a form of therapy to clear my mind and focus on recovery.
Eventually, these walks became the foundation for everything I’m building. They gave me the strength and resilience to return to competition and ultimately win my 11th Olympic medal. They taught me the power of consistency, persistence, and taking small steps daily. Walking is not just a form of exercise - it's a reminder of how far I have come and a symbol of my strength. Saysh One is a perfect walking shoe, and we released a beautiful new limited color called Sail. You can purchase it now.