
Saysh Stories

AllyshipAllyship from a Brother's Perspective: 5 Essential Tips to Share with the Men in Your Life

Allyship from a Brother's Perspective: 5 Essential Tips to Share with the Men in Your Life

Growing up with Allyson, a fierce and determined individual, I’ve had the privilege to witness the challenges, pressures, and triumphs women face on and off the track. Yet, what's remained consiste...

Words Always Carry Weight

Words Always Carry Weight

“Just wait until you have kids.”“Want to take one of ours?”“Enjoy your freedom while you can!”“You’re tired? How? You don’t even have kids!”Said to garner a laugh, maybe. For a moment of solidarity...

griefHidden Griefs of Womanhood

Hidden Griefs of Womanhood

I wanted desperately to have the bravery to believe for a child, no matter how long it took. I wanted to allow myself to hope for a future family. But I struggled as I walked through the grief tha...

womanhoodIt's Good to Be A Girl

It's Good to Be A Girl

We are mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends. We are CEOs, artists, professors, and athletes. We are unique from one another, but we share commonalities that inevitably unite us, weaving us int...

braveryBeing Brave When You Don't Feel Brave

Being Brave When You Don't Feel Brave

I want so badly to be more courageous with my pursuits. I want to be able to move towards my goals with confidence. I wish I could just “be brave” and do the dang thing. But it seems that in so ma...

braveryJust Take the Next Step

Just Take the Next Step

My feet pound the pavement as the night deepens. Thump thump thump thump. The last rays from the sunset peek over the trees for just a few more moments before they disappear completely, and I am le...

motherhoodWork & Motherhood - Can You Have Both?

Work & Motherhood - Can You Have Both?

You hear it from both sides: “She was doing so well at work. She was so close to a promotion. But then she had a baby… there goes her career.”“She had a baby! But she’s leaving the baby at daycare ...

competitionThe Two Types of Competition

The Two Types of Competition

The competition of the race called me higher. Seeing the girl running beside me (or, more frustratingly, just in front of me) made me run faster. Approaching the finish line boosted my adrenaline a...